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Chiropractic Insights for Lifelong Vitality with Covington Family Wellness
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Chiropractic Care and Babies

Chiropractic Care

Hey guys, it’s Dr. Jamie Adams from Covington Family Chiropractic. And I want to talk about infants and babies for a minute. When I meet new friends every day in our office, a lot of people don’t realize that you can and should bring your children and infants to a chiropractor. And the youngest baby that I’ve had, the absolute honor of adjusting in this office has been only one day old.


And it’s just so amazing to me to watch our children begin their life out day one, down that proper pathway to health. Most commonly, people come to a chiropractor because of surface aches and pains, low-back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Well, a newborn baby only a day old is not going to have those things. So why bring your child to a chiropractor, especially at that young. A lot of times, parents understand the benefits of starting day one, with that proper and perfect path to 100% health and wellness. That allows us to see them right after birth.


But sometimes we don’t meet them until they are struggling with their health. Some of the conditions we see infants, newborns, and babies in our office are for things like colic, or they can’t feel their diaper the way they should. They have problems latching and cannot reach their milestones; these babies are failing to thrive in these situations.


Other times, it may be they don’t like to ride in a car seat or refuse to lay flat on their backs. All of those things could indicate that your child’s nervous system is not functioning well. Now, remember our nervous system controls every single function in our body, right Our brain controls everything. Our brain sends messages down the spinal cord and then out through our nerves to every organ, tissue, muscle, and cell extremity in our body.


Now, typically when we adjust infants, we find a very specific subluxation in a very specific part of the spine. And that very specific part is this very top bone of the neck. That first cervical vertebra, we call that bone, the Atlas bone. This bone is significant, not only for you and me but also for our infants because of this bone covers and protects your brainstem. Remember back to science class, what our brain STEM does, and how amazing and incredible it is.


It controls all of our resting and digesting functions. What happens when this top bone becomes misaligned or shifted, or we get a subluxation in that bone, it puts pressure on that brainstem. And now, our resting and digesting functions are interrupted. Think about a baby that can’t sleep very well at night or can’t digest their food properly. These things can lead to colic and babies being very fussy when they’re lying flat on their backs. It can also lead to a child not meeting their milestones because, again, the brain is not able to send the messages to the body for the baby to develop properly.


All of those things could be a result of that. So, what we do as chiropractors, we find these areas of the spine, where that bone is subluxated, and we gently remove those misalignments.  It’s very gentle and specific. We’ll be happy to address any concerns with you about your baby and care. We are all 100% certified to be able to take great care of our pregnant moms and newborns, babies, infants, and children


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