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Pregnant Moms

Pregnant Moms and Chiropractic

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We are incredibly blessed to be named one of the largest prenatal and pediatric chiropractic offices in the Southeast. We want to empower you as a mom and as a woman to take control of your health and the health of your family. And so there are so many reasons that our pregnant mothers have come to see us.


Pregnacy Care

At Covington Family Chiropractic one of our specialties is care during pregnancy. Treatment can help soon-to-be moms boost their energy, get better sleep, and be more productive by ensuring they avoid those condition associated with pregnancy like back and hip pain, tiredness, and more. We can also help prepare mom for the birthing process and reduce labor pain – and the length of the birth.


The key to a great delivery is an empowered mom who has a nervous system that is functioning at a top level. This leads to a healthy mom and baby. We can help promote a healthier pregnancy; control nausea; relieve pain in the back, neck, or joints; and even prevent Cesarean delivery.


The Webster technique

Both of our doctors are certified in the Webster Technique – The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces nerve system stress, balances pelvic muscles and ligaments and optimizes the mother’s pelvic function in pregnancy and birth.


The Benefits for Mom

1. Improves nervous system function
2. Balances pelvic bones, muscles and ligaments
3, In normalizing maternal physiology, it allows for a better pregnancy and birth
4. “Side effects” may include less low back pain, better movement, more comfort
5. May optimize baby’s ability to get into the best possible position for birth


From Our Blog

Hey guys, it’s Dr. Jamie Adams with Covington Family Chiropractic. Are you a pregnant mom, or do you know an expectant mom? Well, I’ve got some great information that I want to share with you today about how chiropractic care and how wonderful it is for all of our pregnant mamas. We are incredibly blessed to be named one of the largest prenatal and pediatric chiropractic offices in the Southeast. We want to empower you as a mom and as a woman to take control of your health and the health of your family.


And so there are so many reasons that our pregnant mothers have come to see us. Mom’s know pregnancy comes with many aches and pains. You may experience, right low back pain, and psychic pain. Of course, chiropractic care can help ease a lot of those discomforts associated with that growing baby. Also, did you know that regular chiropractic care can help reduce labor delivery, time and pain, and delivery by up to 60% now who doesn’t want that?


We often see lots of pregnant moms because their babies turn into an unfavorable position for delivery, such as any breach or a transverse position. And unfortunately, a lot of times, moms are told that they need to have a Caesarean section when it comes time to deliver the baby. But we know as chiropractors that there are wonderful options to help that baby get into a great position. I, along with my associate doctor, Dr Grace Gilbert, and all of our interns, are highly trained and certified in the Webster chiropractic technique. And if you know anything about that technique, what it does is it realigns and reshifts the bones of the spine—specifically, the bones in the pelvis.


So the hip bones and the sacred, which is the bone at the bottom that you sit on, we also do a little bit of round ligament work. And what that does is that opening up the pelvis removes any intrauterine constraint, allowing the baby not to turn in that position. So what we do is gently, effectively, and safely adjust the bones of the spine. That allows the baby to turn him or herself into that favourable head down position to get into the proper birthing position. So mom does not have to worry about having a secondary infection.


The Webster technique is highly effective, and we have gotten wonderfully great results with all of our pregnant moms that are in that type of situation. So if you have any questions, or you would love to learn more about what chiropractic can do, empowering and keeping you healthy throughout your pregnancy along with increasing the health of your family. We love to give you a complimentary consultation and some education materials for you to review.


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